Sign up to become a Coleman Champion today!

On this page you can make a one-time donation or BECOME A COLEMAN CHAMPION by choosing a contribution amount of your choice and clicking "I want to contribute this amount every month." 

For your monthly gift, Coleman Champions receive:

  1. a monthly playlist of songs that carry us through,
  2. exclusive Google Hangouts with staff to talk about education justice, and
  3. a Coleman water bottle.

"With Coleman’s help, I learned how to use my voice. I knew I shouldn’t hide, I shouldn’t just accept what was going on. I knew that I could make a change. Because I used the right words in my email to the principal, I got a phone call back the same day. If I hadn’t known about Coleman, I wouldn’t have known my rights and what are my daughter’s rights as well.”

- Alexandra Contreras Gudino, Coleman Parent Leader since 2018

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